日本を代表する首都、東京。多様性と普遍性、過去と未来が交錯するこの街に「麻布台ヒルズ」は誕生しました。そんな中でも一際目を惹く森JPタワー。33階にある抜群の眺望を誇るレストランが、日本のフランス料理界を牽引し続ける巨匠、三國清三氏がプロデュースするグランビストロ「Dining33」です。ここで生まれるすべての感動、人間関係、仕事や学びを応援するために三國氏が編み出したスタイル、それは美食と居心地の良さが同居する「グランビストロ」。Dining 33では同氏が長いキャリアの中で築いた確かな骨格を有する正統派フレンチでありつつ日本の風土を映し込み、次世代へと昇華させた新たな料理観、「ジャポニゼ」の思想を、料理から器、設え、サービスに至るまで細かくちりばめました。三國氏しか表現できない深い思想を宿した料理が、ビストロのように温かい雰囲気の中でご堪能いただけます。空の上で味わうモダン東京の美味を、ぜひ大切な方とご一緒にどうぞ。
Tokyo -capital of Japan and city where diversity and universality, past and future intersect- where “Azabudai Hills” is built. Among all hills, Mori JP Tower stands out. On the 33th floor, “Dining 33”, grand bistro supervised by Kiyomi Mikuni, master of French cuisine in Japan, opened. Gastronomy and coziness coexist here, also the style built up by Chef Mikuni to support all the excitement, relationships, working and learning. The idea of “Japonaise”, or Japanese style which has been maturely developed during Chef Mikuni’s long career is shown everywhere in the restaurant to welcome visitors, from cuisine, tableware, setting to service. “Japonaise”, presents a new view of cuisine that reflects Japanese natural features, sublimating to the next generation, while maintaining orthodox French style with a solid backbone at the same time. Visitors can enjoy cuisines imbued with deep thought that only Chef Mikuni can express in this warm bistro-like space. Please enjoy modern Tokyo delicacies in the sky with your cherished ones.
「Dining33」があるのは、「麻布台ヒルズ 森JPタワー」33・34階の「Hills House」。会員専用エリアの「Members Lounge」や大型ダイニング/スペース「Sky Room」、イベントスペース「大階段」と共に、使い勝手抜群のグランビストロとしての存在感を誇ります。広大な敷地に広がる麻布台ヒルズのレストランとしては最上階の33階に位置し、大きな窓からは東京ベイエリアや間近にそびえる東京タワーが見渡せる恵まれたロケーション。明るい自然光が差し込む落ち着いた空間は、「モダン東京」を訪れる人に感じていただけるでしょう。
“Dining 33” is located in “Hills House”, spacious areas on the 33th and 34th floors of Azabudai Hills Mori JP Tower. Together with member exclusive area “Members Lounge”, large dining space “Sky Room” and event space “Grand Staircase”, grand bistro “Dining 33” shows its outstanding presence. As the top-floor restaurant in vast Azabudai Hills, here is the best location to overlook Tokyo Bay area and Tokyo Tower through large windows. This calm space with bright natural light appeals “Modern Tokyo” to visitors, from interiors to culinary concepts.

Kiyomi Mikuni
Born in Mashike, Hokkaido. After training at “Sapporo Grand Hotel” and “Imperial Hotel”, he was appointed to the head chef at Japanese Embassy in 1974. While working at the Embassy, he studied under Frédy Girardet, known as a master chef. After training at three-starred Michelin restaurants including “Troisgros” and “Alain Chapel”, he was back to Japan and opened “HOTEL DE MIKUNI” in Yotsuya, Tokyo in 1985. Numerous national and international awards and decorations are awarded. While contributing to the development of French cuisine in Japan, he continues to make diverse efforts on nutrition education activities for children, promotion of slow food, awareness activities for wellness food, and etc. “HOTEL DE MIKUNI” was closed at the end of December, 2022 for preparation to the next step.

Pâtisserie à la maison
「Dining33」併設のパティスリー「Dining 33 Pâtisserie à la maison」では、ハレの日に嬉しい華やかな生菓子のほか、企業の「おもたせ」需要にもふさわしい焼菓子の数々を多彩に揃えています。腕を振るうのは、長年にわたって三國清三氏を支え続けるシェフパティシエ。 “三國イズム”を知り抜いたセンスと技を駆使して新たな場所にふさわしいスイーツが展開されます。
“Dining 33 Pâtisserie à la maison” -patisserie attached with “Dining 33”- serves a variety of fresh western sweets for special-day use and baked sweets suitable for corporate gifts. The chef-patissier who has been supporting Chef Mikuni for long years uses his knowledge of “Mikuni-ism” and skills to make sweets suitable for this new place.

33F Azabudai Hills Mori JP Tower, 1-3-1, Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0041, Japan
LUNCH 11:00-15:00(L.O.14:00)
DINNER 18:00-23:00(L.O.22:00)
Irregular holidays